Services provided by The SEOMDC

Ring/valuables Recovery Service’s


This service has a minimum fee to cover the cost incurred by our club member to recover a lost item. Wether it’s a ring, set of keys, a necklace, pendant, ect… DDOK has members willing to help recover your lost items.

Cost for this service is on a per situation basis. A minimum FEE of $-set by the individual coming to assist you. The club takes no responsibility of any recovery taking place. to help cover incurred costs will be expected regardless whether the item in question is found or not.

This service is based on a per – situation basis. fees should be discussed prior to a detectorist showing up to do the job, and if you’ve never used a service like this and don’t know what a fair price would be, then all you need to do is ask yourself what the item is worth to you personally, and, what would you be willing to pay to have it back? Then tell that number ($$$) to your recovery team member and get the item found. The minimum amount would be worst case scenario where a detectorist comes out to a location, spends several hours searching for an item and comes out empty handed. Then the minimum $75 would still need to be paid.

Click the link to contact our services CONTACT

Success stories from SEOMDC members can be found in our blog section. Blog

The money received by each detectorists helps cover costs incurred, such as gas, batteries, equipment, ect… The donation potion, helps our club with events and community service days, like cleaning public beaches. The money goes towards food and drinks and prizes to the detectorists in order to help get more individuals out to help.


Our club picks a local public “dirty beach” once a year to hold a clean up day. (free to the community)

Check out the video of our clean up.

However we at the DDOK, are also able to be hired by a community to come and help clean up public parks and beaches nearby our area.

From a beach cleanup 2022

CONTACT us to find out more.